Coaching 4 Empowered
Living and Ministry
With coaching you are always in “control” of the agenda—determine the pace—and design your own outcomes.
Coaching is NOT counseling or therapy, but coaching can help answer questions like:
What does it mean to be in ministry? What does it mean to be competent? What does effectiveness look like? Now What?
Coaching can help you develop strategies as you seek to discover/understand your own identity as a pastor and can cover a wide variety of topics; such as, creating a pastoral identity, building relationships, and co-partnering with people in your church while asking good questions to understand your community and community leaders. Coaching can help you develop and understand your own unique leadership style, develop strategies for dealing with conflict.
Coaching can help you sort through and prioritize the basics such as time management, creating a balanced lifestyle as a pastor, engaging in the Spiritual Disciplines, and developing a pattern for personal renewal. Other topics include, ongoing growth in discipleship and stewardship as well as developing preaching plans. The topics that can be covered are endless and that is the beauty of what coaching offers-- possibilities.
Being in ministry often presents us with a variety of joys and a unique set of challenges. Coaching can help think through our obstacles to ministry, break down barriers to effectiveness, and answer questions like—what is the future I long to construct? Coaching can help us to celebrate ministry and embrace our calling.
I look forward to partnering with you as you,
"Discover YOUR present to CONSTRUCT your FUTURE."